Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy Independence Day

"For you were called to freedom, brothers and sisters, only do not use your freedom as an opportunity for self-indulgence, but through love become slaves to one another." Galatians 5:13

Paige and I spend some Saturday afternoons in mother-daughter time at Koinonia cafe. not just because they serve the best turkey sandwich with cranberry relish, but because the place epitomizes all that its name represents. It is truly a community place. The type of community that Jesus talked about, one that is open to all and accepting of all.

Today we celebrate freedom. The day the United States won its independence from the English monarchy. As you celebrate in whatever manner you choose, please remember that as Christians we are free as well. God bought our freedom from damnation for our past mistakes and our future missteps, but please don't use that freedom to do wrong, or focus on yourself. Instead use the freedom of Jesus Christ to love one another and to bring about a community that is open to all and accepting of all as we strive to make disciples for Jesus Christ.

How do we do that? Galatians 5:14 gives us the way, "Love others as you love yourself." When we operate in a spirit of love, we no longer focus on the faults of others, but rather on their strengths. The unity among believers is strengthened and the world sees God's people as the shining example. As an example, we can change what society sees as normal, reinstate morals and values and make love and acceptance of all the everyday thing.

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