Friday, July 2, 2010

Reach for the Stars 2010 - Session I

On Thursday, July 1, we closed out Session I of the Summer Enrichment Program. A multitude of thanks go out to the following for your committment, dedication and support:

Ann Collins, Program Director
Terry Varnado, Kitchen Coordinator
Vicki Gamble, Kindergarten teacher
Patricia Taylor, 1st Grade teacher
Keisha Davis, 2nd Grade teacher
Demetreas Donald, 3rd Grade teacher
Renauldo Millsap, 4th Grade teacher
Glenda McElroy, 5th Grade teacher
LaTonya Graham, 6th Grade teacher
Jarett Benson, Office Staff
Cheryl Collins, Program Assistant
Kim Robinson, Program Assistant
Mattie Stevens, Adult Supervisor
Christian Lattimore, Adult Supervisor
Kizzye Newell, Kitchen Assistant
LaTerence Varnado, Kitchen Assistant
Cynthia Brumfield, Kitchen Volunteer
Oliver Jefferson, Recreation Coordinator
Collins Funeral Home for the loan of some of your employees (Michael Hayes, Effie Collins, Ralph Collins)
All of the junior counselors and volunteers who have assisted with Session I.

Now let's get ready for Session II!

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