Thursday, February 18, 2010

Black History Month

February is Black History Month and like most organizations in America, Central is planning several activities to celebrate this time of year. On Sunday, February 21 at 11:00 am, the youth of Central will present a play about Rosa Parks and the Montgomery Bus Boycott. As our special guests, the members of Green Elementary choir will perform. On Sunday, February 28 at the 8:30 service, the Morning Glory Singers will present Lest We Forget - Words of Black Poets and Composers. The 11:00 service will have a Heroes of the Community Celebration in which members of the congregation are asked to attend service dressed in traditional African attire. Lunch will be served immediately after the 11:00 am service.

What a wonderful time to invite family members and friends to share in this wonderful celebration!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday

On Monday, January 18, 2010, Central United Methodist Church and New Hope Missionary Baptist Church joined together in A Day On, Not A Day Off, a celebration of the birth of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. The day was filled with activity. We began with a Prayer Breakfast with Rev. Cook giving the message. His topic was There's No Shortcut to the Promised Land. New Hope provided a delicious breakfast which prepared us for Phase II, the cleanup. Five separate groups set out about the Farish Street District picking up trash and passing out recycle bins. Members of the community had planned a march and rally at the State Capitol in protest to the possible merging of Mississippi's Historically Black Colleges and Universities. What a beautiful experience to see the multi-generational crowd marching for the same cause. I have put together a video of the photos that were taken from that day. Let us always remember the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King in our daily actions, not just on the holiday celebrating his birth.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Souper Bowl I

In an effort to eradicate hunger and promote education in the Farish Street district, the Outreach Committee of Central United Methodist Church, through the office of the Family Life Center will host Souper Bowl I on Saturday, February 6. We will serve soup to homeless and indigent residents of the district as well as persons who enter our Family Life Center beginning at 3 PM. We have invited youth from across the city to join us in this service project.

There will also be a Souper Bowl Dance beginning at 6 PM in the Family Life Center. We are asking for two school supply items as admission. The items will be donated to Brown Elementary School. Concessions will be available.

Join us for this worthwhile event!